Experience the Delights of the Caribbean with Blue Clipper in March 2020

This Trip has now finished.

Key Details for this Trip
Vessel/s: Blue Clipper
Trip Categories: Holiday, Sail Training
Sailing Type/s: Inshore & Coastal
Embark: St George's, Grenada
martes, marzo 10, 2020
Disembark: Marigot, St Martin, Saint-Martin
martes, marzo 24, 2020

Join the tall ship Blue Clipper in St George's on March 10th 2020 for an unforgettable 14 day adventure that will see you travel from Grenada to Caribbean. You'll be getting hands on with setting the sails, steering the ship, keeping watch and more throughout the voyage and the best part is that no experience is required in order to join - you'll be taught everything you need to know before you need to know it at every stage throughout the journey.

You'll be sailing with land in sight throughout most of the voyage.

Choosing to sail on board Blue Clipper in the Caribbean is something special. Unlike huge cruise ships, Blue Clipper is small enough to get into the remote and isolated islands and keep away from the busy crowds from the cruise ships. With only 30 people on board when full, you can expect a personal and intimate service, where great attention is paid to making sure your voyage exceeds your expectations.

Your voyage begins in Grenada, the spice Island of the Caribbean. On Grenada, you really can smell nutmeg in the air. St George’s the capital, is one of the most picturesque towns in the Caribbean. It’s a fabulous place to explore on foot, from handsome old buildings to the Carenage harbour, interesting shops and cafes dot the narrow and busy streets. It is well worth adding a stay in St George’s on to the start or end of your voyage to allow you time to explore this fascinating Caribbean town.

Exploring the Windward and Leeward Islands, this voyage will be spent sailing the waters of Grenada, St Vincent and the Grenadines before heading North to explore the Leeward Islands. After spending last winter in this area, the skipper and crew on board Blue Clipper, know all the best places to visit, secluded anchorages and great opportunities to explore the Caribbean both above and below the water. This voyage is a combination of sailing, shore visits and activities on the water, including snorkelling, paddle boarding and kayaking.

Your journey aboard this beautiful Schooner will end in Marigot, St Martin where you'll disembark on March 24th.

 You must be able to climb a 6ft (2m) ladder
You must be physically fit enough to take part in sailing activities
You must comply with all safety regulations during your trip

Travel Insurance Is required. Once you have booked and paid for your voyage please ensure that you have appropriate travel insurance.

Maybe Sailing Vessels are covered by third party liability insurance for serious injury or loss of life, but they strongly advise you to take out travel insurance as soon as you book your holiday. Make sure you find travel insurance that gives you financial protection if you must cancel or curtail your holiday, cover loss or damage to baggage, or incur any additional medical or transport costs. If you have your own annual travel insurance or a cover with your credit or debit card, please check your own policy carefully to make sure it covers sailing/ cruising/ yachting for sailing more than 12 miles from shore.

Topsail Insurance offer policies that are tailor-made for tall ship holidays, whether pilot cutter, ketch, lugger or tall ship, and have no restrictions as to how far offshore you can sail, including Antarctica.

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