"Shtandart" by James M Pilgrim

Fête Maritime de Brest 2024

This event has now finished.

Key Details for Fête Maritime de Brest 2024
Event Type/s: Festival
Starts: viernes, julio 12, 2024
Ends: miércoles, julio 17, 2024
Location/s: Brest, France

If you're looking for something to do in Brest in July 2024, we'd highly recommend Fête Maritime de Brest 2024. According to the official organiser, this event will take place in Brest, France, from Friday, July 12th to Wednesday, July 17th 2024.

Vessels confirmed so far for Fête Maritime de Brest 2024 include ATYLA, Belem, Bessie Ellen, Gulden Leeuw, Iris, Morgenster, Shtandart, Thalassa, Twister and Wylde Swan.

The last edition of Fête Maritime de Brest attracted over 9,000 sailors from 25 nations aboard more than 1,000 vessels; add the 700,000+ visitors and 500+ journalists to that and you can be sure this event has it right! There'll be endless live musical entertainment, exhibitions, conventions, parades and more happening both on the waterfront and across the city centre throughout the event and of course we cannot forget that Fête Maritime de Brest regularly welcomes many of the worlds largest and most beautiful tall ships.

If you're there for a while be sure not miss the parade of sail - it really is something special as those thousands of vessels attending the festival set sail in company across the Bay of Brest. For those entertaining guests we expect there'll be hospitality opportunities on offer aboard many of the vessels in attendance and of course we imagine there'll be at least one firework show at some point during the event.

If this edition is anything like the last you'll likely also be witness to 'Tonnerre de Brest' (translation 'Thunder of Brest'), the sound of a single cannon shot marking the opening and closing of the port each day. That tradition reportedly finds its way from a similar tradition that marked the opening and closing of the arsenal doors at the Castle of Brest over 3 centuries ago!

See which Tall Ships are Attending Fête Maritime de Brest 2024
ATYLA Ship - Pictured with her New Black Sails in 2017
  2 Masted Staysail Schooner  
  31 Metres
  3 Masted Barque  
  65 Metres
Bessie Ellen
Gulden Leeuw
  3 Masted Topsail Schooner  
  52.37 Metres
  118 Feet
  2 Masted Brig  
  Full-Rigged Ship  
  34 Metres
  Rigged according to old traditions.  
  50 Metres
  36 Metres
Wylde Swan
  Two masted topsail schooner  
  62 Metres

For the event schedule, public opening hours and ticket information please visit their official website as timings may be subject to change and your visit may require booking in advance. For regular updates you can follow them on Facebook, Instagram or YouTube. To make an enquiry, you can contact the organiser directly by emailing [email protected] or calling +33 2 98 33 59 00.

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